For this reason, it is strongly recommended that Developer Previews of Java on Mac OS X be installed on non-critical systems. The same applies for any other Java-related Software Updates or Developer Previews. Therefore, the only way to revert to an earlier Java installation is to reinstall the operating system. Q: Can I remove a Java update after I've installed it?Ī: Java on Mac OS X is updated incrementally through numerous releases. HOWEVER - doing a 'repair' type install on the OS did work. I am hoping they can patch it, because I don't want to reinstall the apps I had to reinstall after the OS reinstall. The system now will not start up normally (I have to hold the power button down, wait for the long beep tone, etc.) At that time I did not know the JAVA update was the culprit - but when I just updated it again the problem re-occurred. When I reinstalled the OS it worked normally.